

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
581. 2012.03.05 運輸工具進出口通關管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Management of Import/Export Clearance for Transportation means
582. 2012.02.03 財政部各地區國稅局組織通則
The Organic Statute for the Regional National Taxation Bureaus, Ministry of Finance
583. 2012.02.03 財政部財政資訊中心組織法
Organization Act of the Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of Finance
584. 2012.02.03 財政部國有財產署組織法
Organizational Act of National Property Administration, Ministry of Finance
585. 2012.02.03 財政部國庫署組織法
Organization Act of National Treasury Administration, Ministry of Finance
586. 2012.02.03 財政部組織法
The Organic Act of the Ministry of Finance
587. 2012.02.03 財政部賦稅署組織法
Organizational Act of Taxation Administration, Ministry of Finance
588. 2012.02.03 財政部關務署組織法
Organic Act of the Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance
589. 2012.01.04 國有財產法
National Property Act
590. 2011.12.22 優質企業認證及管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Certification and Management of the Authorized Economic Operators