

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
1. 2024.03.13 行政院公營事業民營化基金提撥運用辦法
Regulations Governing Appropriation and Use of the Fund for Privatization of Government-owned Enterprises under the Executive Yuan
2. 2024.03.07 國有非公用土地設定地上權作業要點
Operation Directions for Establishment of Superficies on National Non-public Use Land
3. 2024.01.23 促進民間參與公共建設案件招商文件公開閱覽作業要點
Operation Directions for Public Browsing Tender Document in Promoting Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects Cases
4. 2024.01.11 外籍專業人士租稅優惠之適用範圍
The Scope of Application for Tax Preferences Provided to Foreign Professionals
5. 2024.01.03 房屋稅條例
House Tax Act
6. 2024.01.03 所得稅法
Income Tax Act
7. 2023.12.28 水硬性混合水泥與墁砌水泥減碳認定基準及貨物稅應徵稅額級距表
Carbon Reduction Determination Criteria and Commodity Tax Amounts Grade Table of Blended Hydraulic Cements and Masonry Cement
8. 2023.12.28 促進民間參與公共建設法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects
9. 2023.12.27 國有非公用土地設定地上權審議小組審議作業規定
Regulations for the Examination Operations by the Review Team for Establishment of Superficies on National Non-public Use Lands
10. 2023.12.26 統一發票兌獎多元服務作業要點
Operation Directions for Diversified Services of Uniform Invoice Redemption