

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
551. 2013.02.27 海關管理進出口貨棧辦法
Regulations Governing the Customs Management of Import and Export Warehouses
552. 2013.02.27 運輸工具進出口通關管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Management of Import/Export Clearance for Transportation means
553. 2013.01.07 稅捐稽徵法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of the Tax Collection Act
554. 2013.01.04 財政部國有財產署各分署組織準則
Organization Regulations of the Branches of National Property Administration, Ministry of Finance
555. 2013.01.04 財政部國有財產署處務規程
Regulations Governing the Administrative Affairs of the National Property Administration, Ministry of Finance
556. 2012.12.14 統一發票使用辦法
Regulations Governing the Use of Uniform Invoices
557. 2012.12.14 營業登記規則
Regulations Governing Business Registration
558. 2012.12.06 特定營業人辦理外籍旅客購物退稅應注意事項
Guidelines for Authorized Stores Processing Value-Added Tax Refunds on Eligible Goods Purchased by Foreign Passengers
559. 2012.12.05 所得稅法
Income Tax Act
560. 2012.12.05 記帳士法
Certified Public Bookkeepers Act