

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
531. 2013.08.16 進出口貨物預行報關處理準則
Regulations Governing the pre-entry Customs Declaration of Import/Export Goods
532. 2013.08.16 運輸工具進出口通關管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Management of Import/Export Clearance for Transportation means
533. 2013.08.16 關港貿單一窗口運作實施辦法
Implementation Regulations Governing the Operation of Customs-Port-Trade (CPT) Single Window
534. 2013.08.14 中央統籌分配稅款分配辦法
Regulations for Allocation of Centrally-Funded Tax Revenues
535. 2013.07.10 公共債務法
The Public Debt Act
536. 2013.07.10 所得稅法
Income Tax Act
537. 2013.06.28 統一發票給獎辦法
Uniform Invoice Award Regulations
538. 2013.06.26 國有財產計價方式
Appraisal Directions for National Property
539. 2013.06.20 特定營業人辦理外籍旅客購物退稅應注意事項
Guidelines for Authorized Stores Processing Value-Added Tax Refunds on Eligible Goods Purchased by Foreign Passengers
540. 2013.06.19 海關緝私條例
Customs Anti-smuggling Act