

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
481. 2014.07.29 國庫收入退還支出收回處理辦法
Regulations Governing the Handling of Return of Revenues and Recovery of Expenditures of the National Treasury
482. 2014.07.14 銀行業保險業經營銀行保險本業收入範圍認定辦法
The Regulations Governing the Scope of Core Business revenues from the Banking and Insurance Business of the Banking and Insurance Industries
483. 2014.07.08 國有非公用土地提供申請開發案件處理要點
Directions for Provision of National Non-public Use Land Apply for Development
484. 2014.06.20 中央統籌分配稅款分配辦法
Regulations for Allocation of Centrally-Funded Tax Revenues
485. 2014.06.18 使用牌照稅法
Vehicle License Tax Act
486. 2014.06.18 稅捐稽徵法
Tax Collection Act
487. 2014.06.18 菸酒管理法
The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act
488. 2014.06.06 海關管理進出口貨棧辦法
Regulations Governing the Customs Management of Import and Export Warehouses
489. 2014.06.06 運輸工具進出口通關管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Management of Import/Export Clearance for Transportation means
490. 2014.06.05 海關處理走私漏稅密報作業要點
Directions Governing Customs Processing of Informant Reports on Smuggling and Duty Evasion