

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
441. 2015.06.24 所得稅法
Income Tax Act
442. 2015.06.24 特種貨物及勞務稅條例
The Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax Act
443. 2015.06.09 海關管理進出口貨棧辦法
Regulations Governing the Customs Management of Import and Export Warehouses
444. 2015.06.09 貨物通關自動化實施辦法
Regulations Governing The Implementation Of Automated Cargo Clearance Procedures
445. 2015.06.09 進出口貨物預行報關處理準則
Regulations Governing the pre-entry Customs Declaration of Import/Export Goods
446. 2015.06.05 優質企業安全審查項目及驗證基準
Authorized Economic Operator Security Vetting Items and Validation Criteria
447. 2015.06.02 外銷品沖退原料稅辦法
Regulations Governing the Offsetting or Refund of Duties and Taxes on Raw Materials for Export Products
448. 2015.05.26 納稅義務人申請延期或分期繳納稅捐辦法
Regulations Governing the Deferral and Installments of Tax Payment for the Taxpayer
449. 2015.05.06 銀行業保險業經營銀行保險本業收入範圍認定辦法
The Regulations Governing the Scope of Core Business revenues from the Banking and Insurance Business of the Banking and Insurance Industries
450. 2015.05.01 進口酒類查驗管理辦法
The Administrative Regulations Governing the Inspection of Imported Alcohol