

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
421. 2015.12.09 海關進口稅則
Customs Import Tariff
422. 2015.12.02 所得稅法
Income Tax Act
423. 2015.11.23 共有不動產國有持分讓售原則
Directions for the Sale of the National Portion of Joint Ownership of Real Estate
424. 2015.11.04 遺產及贈與稅法施行細則
The Enforcement Rules of the Estate and Gift Tax Act
425. 2015.10.28 於辦理旅客行李物品登機出境之車站託運出口之行李物品,有關查獲管制物品處罰規定之解釋令
Principles for seizing outbound passenger carrying controlled goods but not apply for inspection or intends to evade insection at inward station.
426. 2015.10.15 民間參與公共建設甄審委員會組織及評審辦法
Regulations Governing the Organization of the Selection Committee and the Evaluation for Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects
427. 2015.10.07 促進民間參與公共建設法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects
428. 2015.09.25 外國營利事業收取製造業技術服務業與發電業之權利金及技術服務報酬免稅案件審查原則
Rules Governing the Applications for Exemption from Income Tax on Royalty and Technical Service Fees Collected by Foreign Profit-Seeking Enterprises from Manufacturing Industries, Technical Service Industries and Power-Generating Industries
429. 2015.09.25 海關徵收規費規則
Regulations Governing Collection Of Customs Service Fees
430. 2015.09.22 優質企業認證及管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Certification and Management of the Authorized Economic Operators