

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
391. 2016.11.09 國家金融安定基金設置及管理條例
Statute for the Establishment and Administration of the National Financial Stabilization Fund
392. 2016.11.09 關稅法
Customs Act
393. 2016.11.03 物流中心貨物通關辦法
The Regulations Governing Customs Clearance for Goods in Logistics Centers
394. 2016.10.14 海關管理承攬業辦法
Regulations Governing the Customs Management of Freight forwarders
395. 2016.10.14 財政部財政資訊中心編制表
Organization Table of Fiscal Information Agency,Ministry of Finance
396. 2016.10.14 國有非公用土地出租私人墳墓使用作業要點
Directions for the Lease of National Non-public Use Land for Private Tombs
397. 2016.10.04 促進民間參與公共建設法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects
398. 2016.10.04 海關管理進出口貨棧辦法
Regulations Governing the Customs Management of Import and Export Warehouses
399. 2016.09.30 土地所有權人申購合併使用鄰接國有非公用土地案件處理要點
Directions for Disposal of Private Land Owner to Apply for Annexation and Use of Adjacent National Non-public Use Land
400. 2016.08.19 入境旅客攜帶行李物品報驗稅放辦法
Regulations Governing the Declaration, Inspection, Duty and Release of Personal Luggage or Goods of Inward passengers