

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
371. 2017.03.27 寺廟教堂申請受贈國有不動產有關使用事實認定作業原則
The Determination Operation Directions for Application of the Use of Donated National Real Estate by Temples or Churches
372. 2017.03.22 外國之事業、機關、團體、組織,在中華民國境內無固定營業場所,銷售電子勞務予境內自然人應申請稅籍登記之年銷售額基準
The Annual Sales Amount Criteria of a Foreign Enterprise, Institution, Group, or Organization Having No Fixed Place of Business within the Territory of the R.O.C. that Sells Electronic Services to Domestic Individuals Shall Apply for Taxation Registration
373. 2017.03.17 營業稅電子資料申報繳稅作業要點
The Operation Directions for Business Tax Declaration Electronic Data
374. 2017.03.14 海運快遞貨物通關辦法
Regulations Governing Customs Clearance Procedures for Maritime Express Consignments
375. 2017.03.10 報關業設置管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment and Management of Customs Brokers
376. 2017.02.16 軍用貨品貨物稅免稅辦法
Regulations for Exemption of Commodity Tax on Goods for Military Use
377. 2017.01.18 貨物稅條例
Commodity Tax Act
378. 2017.01.18 稅捐稽徵法
Tax Collection Act
379. 2017.01.18 關稅法
Customs Act
380. 2016.12.30 海關執行商標權益保護措施實施辦法
Regulations Governing Customs Measures in Protecting the Rights and Interests of Trademark