

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
361. 2017.05.10 菸酒稅法
Tobacco and Alcohol Tax Act
362. 2017.05.10 遺產及贈與稅法
Estate and Gift Tax Act
363. 2017.05.09 國有非公用不動產被占用處理要點
Disposal Directions for Occupied National Non-public Use Real Estate
364. 2017.05.01 加值型及非加值型營業稅法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act
365. 2017.04.28 海關管理保稅工廠辦法
Regulation Governing Customs Bonded Factories
366. 2017.04.26 證券交易稅條例
Securities Transaction Tax Act
367. 2017.04.24 跨境電子勞務交易課徵營業稅規範
Directions on the Levying of Business Tax on Cross-Border Electronic Services Transactions
368. 2017.04.07 關稅法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of the Customs Act
369. 2017.04.05 民間機構參與重大公共建設營利事業股東適用投資抵減辦法
Regulations Governing Application of Tax Credit to Profit-seeking Enterprise Shareholders of Private Institutions with Respect to Investments Made in Major Infrastructure Projects
370. 2017.03.29 稅籍登記規則
Regulations Governing Taxation Registration