

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
291. 2018.03.19 外銷品沖退原料稅辦法
Regulations Governing the Offsetting or Refund of Duties and Taxes on Raw Materials for Export Products
292. 2018.03.05 記帳士暨記帳及報稅代理人防制洗錢辦法
Regulations Governing Anti-Money Laundering for Certified Public Bookkeepers and Bookkeeping and Tax Return Filing Agents
293. 2018.03.05 記帳士暨記帳及報稅代理人防制洗錢應行注意事項
Directions Governing Anti-Money Laundering for Certified Public Bookkeepers and Bookkeeping and Tax Return Filing Agents
294. 2018.02.26 行政院公營事業民營化基金提撥運用辦法
Regulations Governing Appropriation and Use of the Fund for Privatization of Government-owned Enterprises under the Executive Yuan
295. 2018.02.07 所得稅法
Income Tax Act
296. 2018.02.06 入境旅客攜帶行李物品報驗稅放辦法
Regulations Governing the Declaration, Inspection, Duty and Release of Personal Luggage or Goods of Inward passengers
297. 2018.01.31 臺灣金融控股股份有限公司條例
Act of Taiwan Financial Holding Co., Ltd.
298. 2018.01.30 外國特定專業人才減免所得稅辦法
Regulations Governing Reduction and Exemption of Income Tax of Foreign Special Professionals
299. 2018.01.19 統一發票使用辦法
Regulations Governing the Use of Uniform Invoices
300. 2018.01.19 統一發票給獎辦法
Uniform Invoice Award Regulations