

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
281. 2018.06.13 統一發票給獎辦法
Uniform Invoice Award Regulations
282. 2018.06.08 促進民間參與公共建設法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects
283. 2018.06.01 財政部國有財產署結合目的事業主管機關辦理國有非公用不動產改良利用之收益分收比例計算方法
Calculation Method on the Ratio of Revenue from National Non-Public Real Estate Improvement of National Property Administration, Ministry of Finance Combined with Target Business Supervisory Agency
284. 2018.05.30 海關進口稅則
Customs Import Tariff
285. 2018.05.22 海關代徵營業稅稽徵作業手冊
Directions for Collection of Business Tax by the Customs
286. 2018.05.11 外國營利事業跨境銷售電子勞務課徵所得稅作業要點
Directions on the Levying of the Income Tax on Cross-Border Electronic Services Transactions
287. 2018.05.09 海關緝私條例
Customs Anti-smuggling Act
288. 2018.05.09 關稅法
Customs Act
289. 2018.04.27 證券交易稅條例
Securities Transaction Tax Act
290. 2018.04.03 營業稅電子資料申報繳稅作業要點
The Operation Directions for Business Tax Declaration Electronic Data