

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
251. 2018.11.21 國有財產法
National Property Act
252. 2018.11.21 貨物稅條例
Commodity Tax Act
253. 2018.11.21 稅捐稽徵法
Tax Collection Act
254. 2018.11.14 海關管理進出口貨棧辦法
Regulations Governing the Customs Management of Import and Export Warehouses
255. 2018.11.09 記帳士暨記帳及報稅代理人防制洗錢與打擊資恐辦法
Regulations Governing Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing for Certified Public Bookkeepers and Bookkeeping and Tax Return Filing Agents
256. 2018.11.09 記帳士暨記帳及報稅代理人防制洗錢應行注意事項
Directions Governing Anti-Money Laundering for Certified Public Bookkeepers and Bookkeeping and Tax Return Filing Agents
257. 2018.11.07 統一發票兌獎多元服務作業要點
Operation Guidelines for Diversified Services of Uniform Invoice Redemption
258. 2018.11.02 海關管理承攬業辦法
Regulations Governing the Customs Management of Freight forwarders
259. 2018.11.02 報關業設置管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment and Management of Customs Brokers
260. 2018.10.31 核釋「金融機構執行共同申報及盡職審查作業辦法」第4條及第22條有關關係實體及既有帳戶規定
An Explanatory Decree of Article 4 and Article 22 of the “Regulations Governing the Implementation of the Common Standard on Reporting and Due Diligence for Financial Institutions” regarding the definitions of the terms “Related Entity” and “Preexisting Account”