

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
221. 2019.06.13 貨物稅條例
Commodity Tax Act
222. 2019.06.10 促進民間參與公共建設法之重大公共建設範圍
Scope of Major Infrastructure Projects under the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects
223. 2019.06.04 海關管理承攬業辦法
Regulations Governing the Customs Management of Freight forwarders
224. 2019.06.04 運輸工具進出口通關管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Management of Import/Export Clearance for Transportation means
225. 2019.05.31 海關徵收規費規則
Regulations Governing Collection Of Customs Service Fees
226. 2019.05.27 期貨交易稅電子申報作業要點
Operation Directions for the Electronic Filing of Futures Transaction Tax
227. 2019.05.24 統一發票使用辦法
Regulations Governing the Use of Uniform Invoices
228. 2019.05.22 空運快遞貨物通關辦法
Regulations Governing Customs Clearance Procedures for Air Express Consignments
229. 2019.05.22 海運快遞貨物通關辦法
Regulations Governing Customs Clearance Procedures for Maritime Express Consignments
230. 2019.05.08 報關業設置管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment and Management of Customs Brokers