

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
201. 2019.11.13 統一發票給獎辦法
Uniform Invoice Award Regulations
202. 2019.11.11 促進民間參與公共建設法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects
203. 2019.11.11 統一發票兌獎多元服務作業要點
Operation Guidelines for Diversified Services of Uniform Invoice Redemption
204. 2019.11.08 金融機構執行共同申報及盡職審查作業辦法(下稱本辦法)第五十條第一項第五款第二目所定收入總額之申報期間
The reporting period for gross proceeds described in item 2 of subparagraph 5 of paragraph 1 of Article 50 of the Regulations Governing the Implementation of the Common Standard on Reporting and Due Diligence for Financial Institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations)
205. 2019.11.08 個人薪資收入減除必要費用適用範圍及認定辦法
Regulations Governing Scope and Identification of Allowable Deductions of Necessary Expenses from Individual Salary and Wages
206. 2019.10.17 海關管理保稅工廠辦法
Regulations Governing Customs Bonded Factories
207. 2019.10.17 貨物稅稽徵規則
Regulations for the Collection of Commodity Tax
208. 2019.09.26 外國營利事業申請核定計算中華民國來源所得適用之淨利率及境內利潤貢獻程度作業要點
Directions for Foreign Profit-seeking Enterprises Applying for Issuance of Assessment Permission of Applicable Net Profit Ratio and Domestic Profit Contribution Ratio for Calculation of Income from Sources in the Republic of China
209. 2019.09.26 所得稅法第八條規定中華民國來源所得認定原則
Guidelines for the Determination of Income from Sources in the Republic of China in Accordance with Article 8 of the Income Tax Act
210. 2019.09.20 各類所得扣繳率標準
Standards of Withholding Rates for Various Incomes