

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
141. 2021.05.27 財政部財政資訊中心編制表
Organization Table of Fiscal Information Agency,Ministry of Finance
142. 2021.05.27 國有非公用不動產標售作業程序
Operation Procedures for Sale of National Non-public Use Real Estate by Tender
143. 2021.05.26 貨物稅條例
Commodity Tax Act
144. 2021.05.25 金融機構執行共同申報及盡職審查作業辦法
Regulations Governing the Implementation of the Common Standard on Reporting and Due Diligence for Financial Institutions
145. 2021.05.25 廢止財政部107年10月31日台財際字第10700642570號令
Repealing Explanatory Decree No. 10700642570 issued by the Ministry of Finance on October 31, 2018
146. 2021.05.20 統一發票給獎辦法
Uniform Invoice Award Regulations
147. 2021.05.18 海運快遞貨物通關辦法
Regulations Governing Customs Clearance Procedures for Maritime Express Consignments
148. 2021.04.28 所得稅法
Income Tax Act
149. 2021.04.26 遺產及贈與稅法施行細則
The Enforcement Rules of the Estate and Gift Tax Act
150. 2021.04.21 空運快遞貨物通關辦法
Regulations Governing Customs Clearance Procedures for Air Express Consignments