

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
131. 2021.07.05 國有非公用不動產被占用處理要點
Disposal Directions for Occupied National Non-public Use Real Estate
132. 2021.06.30 各類所得扣繳率標準
Standards of Withholding Rates for Various Incomes
133. 2021.06.24 核釋稽徵機關辦理跨境雙邊或多邊預先訂價協議之原則
Explanatory decree on the principles of tax collection authorities concluding cross-border bilateral or multilateral Advance Pricing Arrangements
134. 2021.06.23 土地稅法
Land Tax Act
135. 2021.06.16 促進民間參與公共建設法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects
136. 2021.06.09 公共債務法
The Public Debt Act
137. 2021.06.08 金融機構執行稅務用途金融帳戶資訊電子申報作業要點
Directions Governing Electronic Reporting with Respect to the Implementation of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters for Financial Institutions
138. 2021.06.04 海關管理保稅工廠辦法
Regulations Governing Customs Bonded Factories
139. 2021.06.04 電子發票實施作業要點
Directions for the Implementation of Electronic Uniform Invoices Operations
140. 2021.05.31 中央統籌分配稅款分配辦法
Regulations for Allocation of Centrally-Funded Tax Revenues