

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
121. 2021.10.19 報關業設置管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment and Management of Customs Brokers
122. 2021.10.08 都市更新事業範圍內國有土地處理原則
Disposal Directions for National Land Located within the Space of Urban Renewal Business
123. 2021.10.06 國有非公用不動產租金應收款項及債權憑證管理注意事項
Guidelines for the Management of Receivables and Certificate of the Obligatory Claim for Rental National Non-public Use Real Estate
124. 2021.09.29 國有非公用文化資產認養維護要點
Directions for Adoption and Maintenance for National Non-Public Use Cultural Asset
125. 2021.09.28 國有非公用不動產出租管理辦法
Regulations for Leasing of National Non-public Use Real Estate
126. 2021.09.23 土地稅法施行細則
The Enforcement Rules of the Land Tax Act
127. 2021.09.16 所得稅法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of the Income Tax Act
128. 2021.09.15 海關執行商標權益保護措施實施辦法
Regulations Governing Customs Measures in Protecting the Rights and Interests of Trademark
129. 2021.08.12 適用所得稅協定查核準則
Regulations Governing Application of Agreements for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on Income
130. 2021.07.23 民間參與公共建設甄審委員會組織及評審辦法
Regulations Governing the Organization of the Selection Committee and the Evaluation for Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects