

法規名稱: 外國之事業機關團體組織在中華民國境內從事參加展覽或臨時商務活動申請退還加值型營業稅實施辦法
公發布日: 民國 99 年 06 月 30 日
修正日期: 民國 107 年 09 月 21 日
發文字號: 台財稅字第10704634140號 令
法規體系: 財政部賦稅署
公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
1. 2018.09.21 CH外國之事業機關團體組織在中華民國境內從事參加展覽或臨時商務活動申請退還加值型營業稅實施辦法
ENThe Regulations Governing the Claiming of VAT Refunds for Goods and Services Eligible for VAT Purchased by Foreign Enterprises, Institutions, Organizations, or Associations Engaging in Exhibitions or Temporary Business Activities within the Territory of the ROC
2. 2017.05.25 CH外國之事業機關團體組織在中華民國境內從事參加展覽或臨時商務活動申請退還加值型營業稅實施辦法
ENThe Regulations Governing the Claiming of VAT Refunds for Goods and Services Eligible for VAT Purchased by Foreign Enterprises, Institutions, Organizations, or Associations Engaging in Exhibitions or Temporary Business Activities within the Territory of the ROC
3. 2012.11.15 CH外國之事業機關團體組織在中華民國境內從事參加展覽或臨時商務活動申請退還加值型營業稅實施辦法
ENThe Regulations Governing the Claiming of VAT Refunds for Goods and Services Eligible for VAT Purchased by Foreign Enterprises, Institutions, Organizations, or Associations Engaging in Exhibitions or Temporary Business Activities within the Territory of the ROC