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Ministry of Finance, R.O.C.
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:114.02.20 06:12


Title: Organizational Act of National Property Administration, Ministry of Finance Ch
Date: 2012.02.03
Legislative: 1.The full text of 7 Articles promulgated by President Order
Hua-Zong-Yi-Yi-Zi No. 10100022761 on February 3, 2012; the
enforcement date shall be specified in an order from the
Executive Yuan.
2.Promulgated by the Executive Yuan under Order Yuan-Shou-Yan-
Zong No.1012260344 on March 8, 2012; the order came into
effect on January 1,2013.

Article 1

To carry out transactions of national property effectively, the Ministry of
Finance established National Property Administration (herein referred to
as "the Administration").


Article 2

The National Property Administration shall be in charge of the following

1.      Inspections of national property.

2.      Management of national property.

3.      Disposal of national property.

4.      Improved utilization of national property.

5.      Transactions of national property information.

6.      Investigations, coordination and allocation of national property.

7.      Assessment of national property.

8.      Consultation and management of regulations and legal cases of national

9.      Other national property related issues.

Article 3
The Administration shall have one Director-general of a rank equivalent to
senior appointment at the grade of 13th; and two Deputy Director-general
of a rank equivalent to senior appointment at the grade of twelve.
Article 4  
The Administration shall have one chief secretary of a rank equivalent to
senior appointment at the grade of eleven. 
Article 5
For the needs of business operation, the Administration may set up branch 
Article 6
The scale of the position and the number of the personnel of official ranks
of the Administration shall be stipulated in a staffing chart.

Article 7
The enforcement date of the Act shall be specified in an order from the
Executive Yuan.
Data Source:Ministry of Finance, R.O.C. Laws and Regulations Retrieving System